
I had been Searching...

During these weeks I has been searching for answers, my heart is questioning. I'm leaving this blog during these next weeks because I had been working a lot.
Is this a promise to come back? Maybe... I hope so.

There's a beautiful song I want you to listen.
John Mayer - Tracing

Thank you. Kisses, see you soon.


A Limit for Love

I promised to myself that I wouldn’t write again poetic texts, but witch word is more poetic than “Love”? I would write poems with the word Depression, and to “Love”, what type of magic could I do?
What is Love?
All those 6,5 billions of people in the world would know how to answer me, witch one in a different way, but the fact that if exists or not limits for it, a half would answer “Yes”, another one “No”.
In fact, love, even explained in more than 6 billions different ways, for me, it would continue to be unexplained, maybe because it haven’t connection with human rationality, in witch one we elaborate concrete answers to these questions. Obviously, something that you can feel, can’t bee seen and understood by our rational side, there’s no way to explain. But this is one theory that I created maybe because I will never want explain love, just feel it.
The price to this feeling (or State of grace) everyone knows that is Suffering and it can stop by two motives:
1st: get marriage with the person and share with her all that you call as dream.
2nd: You are taken by the feeling of ego/proud, then you thing that suffering is something that you don’t deserve, and this choose is so powerful that you crush your love and hide it, even that this can’t be excluded, if it’s love by real.
Thinking of this, the true Love could erase our side of brain projected to find our happiness and put there the name of another person? Could we forget our natural habit of searching for self-realization, directing by this way our mental and corporal power to satisfaction of another?
To 2 equal questions, 2 different answers.
Some people easily submit to one feeling, because they are sensitive, and this is the apse of the life for them.
Some others, the rationality is stronger. The person easily holds his logics, hiding a broken feeling.
“So, it means that insensible people never would be able to wait for someone that loves because doesn’t have the passionate of the poets, and then changing by another people or things to hide it?”
During they are extremely rational, yes. Touched by extreme love and sensibility, they wouldn’t call Rational anymore, they would be Sensitive.
The sensitive people haves different perspectives of the life. Their souls asks for love more then their body asks for food, so the material and carnal is not important comparing with the magic of feelings. Jump by head, don’t be afraid of suffering, and even look for the suffering, is the least that they could do for the majestic Love.
This constant search for the soul food, when you love someone, is what keeps you arrested, waiting until she comes back. Logically, this person could be changed by a nearest person, but it is too “logical” for some romantic person, and doesn’t make sense.
The fact is: the sentimental one knows that the value of what do he haves in hands is contented in the time that he waits to have it. The Wait to have the person with you just turns the moment of finding each other more magical. As the dictate: “There’s no way for Happiness. The happiness is the Way”. There’s that one who search it during the wait, to, in the end, contemplates the apse of it.
Talking about Extreme Rational People, we are dealing with people who don’t see difference between a Fiction Book and Romantic Book, both needs the same type of interpretation. They are not wrong a person, just sensate based in the logic and doesn’t see much shine in the stars. So do you think, and ask me:
- “Well, if they have no contact with the sentimental world, their soul will never feel the apse of happiness, because it’s not useful know how to wait for one love. Is this?”
Maybe I’m not the right person to answer the rational side of this thing; I’m an artist with over high feelings that would die if there wasn’t dreams and fantasy. But to all of us, we need to exercise our capacity of thinking and working our Logic.
To the question above, I’d say that people with no feelings can be happy by another motive, with distinct emotions…
“Oops! You are contradicting! Emotion wouldn’t be a capacity just for the Emotive, doted by feelings?”
Actually, no. It’s easy to answer this, thinking of giving a expensive house to a poor person. Look into his eyes, and see: that is Emotion, and there’s not a feeling of eternal happiness, because someday the fact of living in a big house will not be a new anymore, will be normal.
Look at the difference: Emotive. Sensitive.
If it was the same thing, would be divided in two meanings.
Even knowing the huge responsibility of saying this, in fact the over rational doesn’t live a intense life as our poets, artists, musicians and so many others professionals moved by the sentimental world. Besides, I’d say more… the life to then seams to be disposable, and I start to think that they believes using this life to profit and get older as all that the others who “ratiocinates that much”, believing of the existence of another life to then live intensely.
How many chances do you believe that haves to live intensely?
This is just my opinion, I’m not dictating anything. This is my space, maybe you don’t find the truth, but I can promise that always My truth.
The limit for love depends… by one simple fact.
There are people we want to love being perfect for us, but then we don’t love. And there are people that we don’t want to love because are too imperfect for us, but we just love.
One love that bourns in our chest without wish, would not be by a wish we would be able to erase it, and this invisible and unconscious handcuff that makes us wait years, dreaming with another moment together.
And for that loves “chosen by fingers”, when they are gone, easily we can choose another one.
Briefly, for all those true feelings, groaned in a natural and inevitable way, there’s a wake of a supernatural strength and courage, were the passing time is too weak to affect.
Want to be near of that one who make you reborn each dialog or kiss, look or touch, became a martyr with the time passing by. You wait more and more for this moment, adding value for it, or you forget the valiancy that it had one day, seeing the magic going away.
Between so many lines and contradictions, we seam stopped at the same place we had began. But as I said in the beginning:
“maybe Love has no connection with the human rationality in witch we elaborate questions like this one”. This mean that our rational side asks something unknown to the sentimental side, in a foreign language, like in Babel Tower – when two nations that doesn’t speak the same language try to build something, everything can easily collapse.
Understand if to love has a limit or no, simply find limits in yourself, discovering which perspective of life you have.
That’s why I said everything is comparative, each one with the own individuality and the Manual Operation.
The only sure that I got is that, if you are a extremely rational person, you’ll never, ever, live to intensely as we live by this side of the life: the Sensibility!

Paula Borges de Morais



Between so much things that I have to say, it seams that the sure comes after we suffer a lot, cry a lot. This means that haves so much subjects in the world to say, but nothing is so significant as say talk about our feelings. What we are, wise people, after having regrets.
Even that you see you are totally alone brings to you the worst pain in the world, making you believe that the deepest cut of one naval all over your legs; nothing else could make you wiser than this. Invest the quantify of money that you wants, but certify that the result will touch your soul as deep as one broken dream, one broken love. Maybe I really wait too much of people.
Each year that pass I see my self loser, even less I see the fantasy in my dreams; I’m watching myself fall into the human world, and my dream was the opposite. Suddenly I start to like of that sad songs, the sadness makes me smile by deep inside. I don’t know where I am, witch color I see… I know that is not so colorful as I use to like, and I never liked gray, but I think I liked to see the falling snow. Everyone needs a winter inside, and today I want to feel myself cold.
Maybe I want to feel myself cold because I’m habituating me to the pain; now just it brings me good news, brings me the knowledge. What I know is that people see the world of one irrational perspective. Nobody perceives how we are vegetating; faking that all this same things is called by “Living”. What is living?
I don’t know anything else; and I didn’t want to know, for to be easier to live as all they live. But the problem is that I cry everyday, by not knowing nothing, during I wanted to. Who am I and where am I? Where is all that love I need, that I cry by missing it? Where is My love? Each night I ask to the stars if he is looking to them too. They shine, filled by love.
I ask myself if this loneliness is one stage of my life, its almost obvious. But I want to keep crying by my feelings, when I wait for my tears to come, with the classic music that seams to be the trailer of my childhood. Everything was easier, but least significant. How many people really maid the difference? How many birthdates of relatives we could remember of calling and wish all happiness? Had we knew what the happiness is? Maybe is that why we were happy.
Today we learn using the money, and kill the simplicity.
Fall with our heads in one abysm, and the happiness we leave in the place where we jumped. The lifetime is from the beginning until the time we collide with the ground. During early, we could hold some little tree that is next of the start. But nobody remembers nether wants to get back. They just realize when they are one centimeter to collide with the end of all; there’s no time even to look the happiness, which watches you from over that highness, lived behind.
Am I living the happiness behind because I like suffering? Would I be happy, if I’m suffering because it’s bringing me the knowledge of life? What is me, underneath? Who am I? Am I being “Who” or “What”? Because I feel like some Thing in the lonely moments, I just know I’m not because I feel pain in my heart; it is sign that I have one.
All this would be one Help Search if I had not showed that I want to teach you. You could be scary because all this seams to be depression… but if it is; I wish that all the word suffer of depression. The monster of the world is be afraid of thinking, don’t know how to think, and not even want to do it. What’s yours? What do you want for yourself?
If it’s thinking, get ready for this. You will cry a river. But know this: it doesn’t exist something better than this, just because the price is enormous. Money is the medal of irrationals; I want to know how to pay by those things that can enter in the paradise.

Paula Morais